Friday, 28 February 2020

Our Book of the Week is a feminist metaphysical thriller, a story shaped within a political pressure cooker. Shakti, by Wellington author Rajorshi Chakraborti, will shake you up, mystify you and make you laugh, as well as frighten you with its clear reflection of our current socio-political structures and our willingness to accept or dismiss these intrusions into our minds, as well as our hearts.
>>Read Stella's review. 
>>How the rise of right-wing populism led Chakraborti to write the book. 
>>Raj reads from the book and discusses its context
>>On writing a superhero(ine) novel
>>The twin teller of dreams
>>How does the book speak to India? 
>>This reading life
>>"Funny, shocking, and deeply thought-provoking.
>>On writing as performance
>>The author's favourite books, films, music and TV shows
>>The Man Who Would Not See was listed for the Acorn Prize in the 2019 Ockham New Zealand Book Awards
>>Click and collect

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